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EIDO Corporate Website - Operational
EIDO Educate - Operational
EIDO Educate
Service restored
We have implemented a fix and currently monitoring the result.
We are currently investigating this incident.
Service has been restored
We implemented a fix and currently monitoring the result.
We've identified the issue and are implementing a resolution
Service restored.
Issues with hosting provider have been resolved.
Issue has been resolved.
We've identified the issue and are deploying a fix
We've identified the cause and are working on a resolution.
Patch has been successfully rolled out.
Login issue has been resolved. We will separate the bilingual download issue into an incident of it's own for visibility
We've implemented a fix and currently monitoring the result. There is an issue with bilingual documents which is yet to be resolved, but general service is now restored.
Service restored in Europe and America servers, same issue identified on Asia-Pacific servers
We've identified the issue and have restored partial service, however login links are still experiencing issues
The issue has been resolved.
We've identified a database issue causing the outage and are reverting to a working backup.
Asia Pacific is now operational! This update was created by an automated monitoring service.
Asia Pacific cannot be accessed at the moment. This incident was created by an automated monitoring service.
Apr 2021 to Jun 2021